Your first move Chess for beginners Русский шахматный дом 978-5-94693-337-7, Sokolsky A

Цена: 1249 руб.RUB

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Категория: Хобби и досуг, Фитнес и спорт, Шахматы

"Your first move" is a chess book for beginners by the well-known chess master and honoured USSR trainer A. Sokolsky. Alexei Sokolsky was a researcher and theoretician, one of the few players on the earth to have an opening names after him. For many ryears he was the trainer and second of the illustrious grandmaster Isaak Boleslavsky, and also a teacher, working with young players. This book is the author's last work, a distinctive summary of his research and teaching experience. The book is aimed at the mass reader.

Издательство: Русский шахматный дом
ISBN: 978-5-94693-337-7
Объем: 312
Автор: Sokolsky A.
Год: 2017
Код номенклатуры: ORS600216473946869
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

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