The Sisters Grimm Black Swan 9781784164614, Ван Прааг Менна

Цена: 2105 1369 руб.RUB

Цены на книгу в магазинах: - 1369 руб.
Лабиринт - 1497 руб.
Категория: Иностранная литература, Книги на английском языке, Художественная литература на английском языке, Современная художественная литература на английском языке, Фантастика и фэнтези на английском языке

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of sisters Grimm on Earth. You may well be one of them, though you might never know it. This is the story of four sisters Grimm – daughters born to different mothers on the same day, each born out of bright-white wishing and black-edged desire. They found each other at eight years-old, were separated at thirteen and now, at nearly eighteen, it is imperative that they find each other once again. In thirty-three days they will meet their father in Everwhere. Only then will they discover who they truly are, and what they can truly do. Then they must fight to save their lives and the lives of the ones they love. Three will live, one will die. You’ll have to read on to find out who and why . . .

Издательство: Black Swan
ISBN: 9781784164614
Штрих-код: 9781784164614
Цвет: Чёрный
Объем: 484
Ширина: 126 мм
Длина: 196 мм
Высота: 30 мм
Автор: Ван Прааг Менна
Год: 2020
Вес: 336 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_20

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