Pippi Longstocking Oxford 978-0-19-275823-1, Линдгрен Астрид

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Категория: Книги, Детская литература, Литература на иностранных языках

"Пеппи Длинныйчулок" - веселая сказочная повесть о чудесных путешествиях и забавных приключениях девочки, у которой доброе сердце, щедрая душа и слишком горячая голова. Разве может маленькая девочка пронести на руках лошадь?! Представьте, что может! И эту девочку зовут Пеппи Длинныйчулок. Её придумала замечательная шведская писательница Астрид Линдгрен. Никого на свете нет сильнее Пеппи, она способна уложить на лопатки даже самого прославленного силача. Но не только этим знаменита Пеппи. Ещё она самая весёлая, самая непредсказуемая, самая озорная и самая добрая девочка в мире, с которой непременно хочется подружиться! Книга на английском языке. Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren's nine-year-old heroine, burst onto the bookshelf in 1945 and has remained a firm favourite with children the world over. Here her story is illustrated with flair and humour by Lauren Child, known to children everywhere as the creator of Charlie and Lola, and winner of the Kate Greenaway and Nestle Gold Awards. Pippi Longstocking is nine years old. She has just moved into Villa Villekulla where she lives all by herself with a horse, a monkey, and a big suitcase full of gold coins. The grown-ups in the village try to make Pippi behave in ways that they think a little girl should, but Pippi has other ideas! She would much rather spend her days arranging wild, exciting adventures to enjoy with her neighbours, Tommy and Annika, or entertaining everyone she meets with her outrageous stories. Pippi thinks nothing of wrestling a circus strongman, dancing a polka with burglars, or tugging a bull's tail. Generations of children have fallen in love with Pippi Longstocking. Just like Tommy and Annika, readers are instantly charmed by her warmth and sense of fun. Astrid Lindgren's children's classic first appeared in 1945. Astrid once commented, 'I write to amuse the child within me, and can only hope that other children may have some fun that way, too.' When she was growing up, Lauren Child loved Astrid Lindgren's books. She remembers: 'I discovered Pippi when I was about eight years old and found her completely inspiring.' Known and loved as the creator of some equally feisty little girls - notably Clarice Bean and Lola - Lauren has brought her own inimitable style to this beautifully-illustrated edition of Pippi Longstocking.

Издательство: Oxford
ISBN: 978-0-19-275823-1
Штрих-код: 9780192758231
Цвет: Зелёный
Объем: 207
Ширина: 141 мм
Длина: 183 мм
Высота: 19 мм
Автор: Линдгрен Астрид
Год: 2016
Вес: 340 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_10

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